Campo Rialto Novo Auf diesem Campo waren zur Zeit der Republik Venedig zahlreiche Läden angesiedelt, die alle mit eingravierten Symbolen in ...

Kurioses -

Curiosity about Italian language and Venice

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Mordi e fuggi

Do you know this expression?

Recently, here in Venice, in all local newspapers, the morning in the cafè and in the bacari during the aperitif, you can increasingly often hear people talking about turismo mordi e fuggi, hit and run tourism.

As a matter of fact, for the few residents who live in Venice, moving around the town has become quite difficult, because of the amazing amount of tourists who walk through the calli (streets), pass the bridges and the campi (squares).

But, exactly, what does mordi e fuggi mean?

The expression mordi e fuggi refers to an action made in extreme hastiness, hurry.

So, the hit and run tourism is made of people who exploit the town, just in few hours, without giving anything back.

Let’s think, on the contrary, at people who come here in Venice to study Italian language, for example!

This is the kind of tourism that Venetians would like to be promoted! These kind of people love Italy, love Venice, at a point they want to know, or improve, their knowledge of Italian language and culture, bringing with them their own vitality, curiosity and their own culture!

So, let’s go back to our topic, what else can, beside tourism, be mordi e fuggi?

A visit, una visita mordi e fuggi

A love, un amore mordi e fuggi

A friendship, un` amicizia mordi e fuggi

A holiday, una vacanza mordi e fuggi

A dinner, una cena mordi e fuggi

Do you want to try to build some sentences using these expressions?

Prego! E buon lavoro!!!

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